Hi all! Things I’m jugging are still in the air so this will be short. So what did I do this month besides buy a very, very manly puffer fish?
… sorry, those buggie eyes keep making me smile.
Migrate BridgeDB to Stem
Stem can now sign server and extrainfo descriptors! This was the last bit we needed for Leekspin parity. Isis and I are now swapping BridgeDB over.
After that’s been merged for a week or so I’ll likely cut the Stem 1.6 release. We have quite a few improvements accumulated so it’s about time…
Smaller things this month include…
- Stem can now fetch connection data using fstat. This give us, and by extension Nyx, connection information on OpenBSD. Thanks cnidaria!
- Expanded our integ coverage of hidden services.
- Fixed a caching issue that caused perpetually stale source code in the ‘[source]’ links on Stem’s site.
Oh, and of course attended a local Retro Gaming Expo, Fremont Festival, great performance of Cabarat, and a coworker’s BBQ. Hope everyone else is having a similarly fun summer!