I’m usually weary of randomization but this last month had too many interesting things to keep from branching out a bit. GSoC is coming up and Andrew has been drumming up interest among students from Wesleyan. In preparation for both I’ve been sprucing up the Tor volunteer page, prepping our GSoC application, and contacting new potential mentors like Tomás, Robert Ransom, Robert Hogan, and the T(A)ILS community for project ideas.
I’ve also been preparing my own project for possible contributors, moving arm’s development notes and revised project ideas to the Tor wiki. This will be the canonical place for arm development information and upcoming plans (I get enough of scrums and burn-down charts at work, and this should act nicely as an alternative for keeping people informed).
Arm development has stayed relatively on track, with the revised connection panel very nearly achieving parity with its predecessor (and in most respects surpassing it). Most of what remains are refinements and tasty new features. Arm has also been added to Debian (Sid) and Ubuntu (Natty) with backports pending. Many thanks to Peter for his help.
As with last month, I have another round of being oncall for work which will sap a chunk of my time (and leave me grumpy). That aside, the 1.4.2 arm release should be done by the end of the month and I’ll be keeping an eye on the channels for the first round of inquisitive students. Fingers crossed that we find some good ones that stick around this year.