Hi all, March has been a busy month! My fingers are in quite a few pies but they’re all still baking so this is gonna be a short one…
Google Summer of Code
Sweet, delicious chaos! Forty-five applications rolled in this year which needless to say is keeping us busy. Best of luck to everyone that applied!
Selection announcement is April 22nd.
Nyx Curses Usage
Still a work in progress but I’m abstracting direct Curses usage out of Nyx. Short term this provides better thread safety, and long term could allow direct Windows support through PDCurses. Work on this will continue all through April.
Overhaul aside, brainstormed project ideas with GSoC applicants including…
Also cleaned up our ticket queue and made Nyx a bugtracker page.
Few other noteworthy things…
- Stem now provides shorthand aliases for fetching descriptors. This makes scripting as simple as…
import stem.descriptor.remote print 'Current exits are...\n' for desc in stem.descriptor.remote.get_consensus(): if desc.exit_policy.is_exiting_allowed(): print(" * %s: %s" % (desc.nickname, desc.exit_policy))
- Better descriptor validation of non-ascii content.
- Worked with Sebastian, who’s writing a guide for using Stem to better test Tor. He found some interesting testing issues on OSX..