Hi all. I spent November chiefly focusing on stem, shoring up its testing and handling the connection/authentication handshake. The scope of the library is expanding very slowly but I’d argue that this is a good thing. Stem has almost compete code coverage with its tests exercising most use cases and edge situations I can think of. For instance, connection and authentication are run against configurations with…
- an open control port
- password authentication
- cookie authentication
- both password and cookie authentication
- control socket
- control socket with cookie authentication
- no method for controllers to connect
… and soon I’ll be adding tests for chroot setups (a use case where our projects traditionally have a lot of issues). If you’re making Tor changes that touch on PROTOCOLINFO or AUTHENTICATE then please run stem’s integ suite. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’ll give your change a very, very good workout. To run it simply…
git clone git://git.torproject.org/stem.git ./stem/run_tests.py --integ --target CONN_ALL
Besides stem I’ve been involved with a smattering of other issues…
- Reviewed Filiol’s slides which, between the FUD, had a few reasonable concerns. This mostly concerned better monitoring so I filed a ticket which probably won’t get much traction until the next GSoC.
- Discussed a library for fetching consensus information directly from a variety of sources like cached descriptors and directory authorities/mirrors (ticket). I’ll be implementing this functionality in stem and Karsten plans to do the same with a java library.
- Discussed a Tor forum (ticket). Imho it will be doomed without Tor dev involvement and, since realistically we’ll give up on clicking through clunky web interfaces, we should have an email frontend too. Andrew disagrees so I’m taking my hands off of that project.
- Variety of small arm issues including ASC mishandling, torrc validation issues spotted by kookfy, and fixing an rpm dependency issue spotted by unspawn.
- Packaged the Tor posters and sent the ones to people in the US. I’ve had my fill of gigantic post office lines so the rest (and the stack of customs slips that go with ’em) will be waiting until after the holidays.
- Filed tickets (4629, 4630, 4627, and 3958) for TorCtl issues I’ve spotted while developing stem. I probably won’t keep doing this – it’s time consuming and pointless if stem replaces TorCtl. The last issue might also exist with Vidalia though Tomás hasn’t commented yet.
- Though not really Tor related, I submitted a patch to ReviewBoard for a weird XSS issue via comment fields. This next GSoC I’d like to set up a ReviewBoard instance for us. While I realize that shiny, ajax websites aren’t our style it would make code reviewing a lot nicer. code review, commit
All in all a good month.