Hi all. Between being ill, oncall for work, visiting with family over the holidays, and finally meeting a brilliant, wonderful girl named Megan I didn’t accomplish too much in December. This isn’t likely to change any time soon so the projects I maintain may get a little less attention – such a pity.
As normal I’ve mostly been split between developing stem and maintaining arm. Ideally I’d like to sink all my time into the former but arm had several issues that demanded attention this month…
- The ptrace change from ticket 3313 caused tor’s file descriptors to only be readable by root, breaking lsof, netstat, sockstat, ss, and some of arm’s proc based utilities. This does not break connection resolution itself, but rather the file descriptor to inode mappings used to associate connections to processes. Thanks to Jake we have a partial workaround which is to filter netstat results by the owner’s uid instead which, at least for the tor deb, should give the same results. For non-deb users I’ll need to just give a notice about why it’s broken or, in the case of Ubuntu users, suggest that they turn off ‘DisableDebuggerAttachment’.
- The latest arm release sometimes exhibits strange terminal glitches, caused by an interaction between the readline and curses modules. Thanks to Stephan Seitz for providing a reliable method for reproducing the issue.
- Kamran submitted a patch for UPnP support in arm which I spent a couple days reviewing. It’s a nice addition, though it’s gonna need some work before it’s merged.
- Tor Cloud use cases revealed a couple bugs with arm’s torrc validation including case sensitivity and an unexpected logging default for Debian. Thanks to koolfy for reporting the issues and Runa for the test system.
- Saving a snapshot of the log in arm had a couple issues, as reported by Jeff Bonner on the Debian bug tracker.
- Non-proc based connection resolution could fail due to terminal localization and an issue with the getProcessName() function. Issues caught thanks to Stephan Seitz.
The little time I’ve had for stem has mostly gone into improving and testing connection and authentication to the tor process. This module took a lot longer than I’d intended to finish but I’m really happy with the result. Also, both Sathyanarayanan and boerni have taken an interest in stem, making me a little hopeful that developing this library won’t be as lonely as arm was.