Hi all! Tis that time of year coal appears in all my sox so guess it’s time for a status report. This month I set arm aside to polish improvements that accumulated in the Stem 1.3 release.
There were a lot of small tweaks, but the highlights for this month were…
Hidden Service Tutorial
By a bit of serendipity I came across a nice article by Jordan Wright for spinning up hidden services with Stem.
Federico Ceratto and Patrick O’Doherty have been improving our hidden service support, so I spruced up their contributions and wrote a tutorial of our own that demos it.
Gentoo Support
Thanks to Anthony Basile Stem is now packaged for Gentoo. Installing is as simple as…
% emerge stem
I’ve been delighted at how many Gentoo people have jumped out of the woodwork to help. toralf worked with me on ticket to address testing issues, and Manuel took on Stem 1.3 packaging the same day as its release – thanks guys!
Couple other quick things of note is that I updated our OpenHub repository listing so it includes most of our newer projects, and trimmed membership of our internal lists.